Bringing Safe and Affordable Drinking Water to the World

Alternative investments

SolarSack – Simple yet Impactful Innovation

2.2 billion people don’t have access to safe drinking water. They get their water from unsafe sources such as springs, wells, or water posts and store it in hazardous containers – increasing the risk of contamination.

This results in increased illnesses such as diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, which results in increased medical expenses as well as sickness and death.

Today attempts to clean the water are done through boiling on indoor stoves that use coal or wood, causing severe health issues. Further, this also contributes to deforestation.

SolarSack is a household water purification system that is easy to use and can provide safe drinking water for two people for a full year. It kills harmful bacteria and viruses, ensuring that the water is safe to drink.

Fill the sack, put it in the sun, and when the water is ready, an indicative smiley face will tell you when it’s ready to drink. You’ll have 4 liters of clean water in 4 hours. Simple and effective.

Each sack costs 2$ to produce, making it 30 times cheaper than charcoal. Exchanging the charcoal for a SolarSack also saves 500kg of CO2 and two trees.

Why you should include private equity and VC in your portfolio

Why you should include private equity and VC in your portfolio

Portfolio Diversification into Private Equity

The recent equity market selloff caused by the expanding Covid-19 virus and the OPEC Russia initiated oil price reduction, has impacted everyone. The impact of Corona is, especially in Europe, currently changing the everyday routines of many people. The anxiety in the population and the drastic measures initiated by governments combined with the uncertainty of how long this will continue, brings even basic changes to many people.

The equity volatility has been massive and the question where and when do I reinvest my money is one of the questions which are very difficult to answer.

The basic argument of portfolio diversification is key to maintain the value of your portfolio and will minimize the impact of market meltdowns. This is key in keeping the overall risk on your portfolio within limits and at the same time be invested in companies with innovative products on the long-term. Not by any means will it keep you out of trouble when financial markets go into panic mode, it will only mitigate your losses. The basic asset classes are equity and fixed income. Additionally, you can invest in derivatives and alternative investments covering a lot of different possibilities.

Unlisted stock in mature start-up companies is one of many diversifiers available to investors. For a long time, the asset class private equity, has only been available to institutional investors. MEGATREND INVEST is among a number of companies offering investments in sustainable private equity to family offices and private investors. The benefit of private equity is that correlation with listed equity is low. Correlation, in the finance and investment industries, is a statistic that measures the degree to which two securities move in relation to each other.  One of the main reasons that private equity is less correlated is that liquidity is much lower. Contrary to listed equity you do not have access to real-time quotes on private equity as well as an abundance of company information to influence pricing.

Data Source: Bloomberg
Correlation is a measure that describes the linear relationship between, in this case, two asset classes. The closer to value one the two asset classes are, the more simultaneous they move.

The numbers above are sourced over a 10- year period ending in December 2019.

The availability of mature growth companies with established cash-flows are spread across many sectors.  We concentrate on companies with a proven concept and investing in these companies promotes ideas, which will bring our world forward during the next decade.

If you compare the performance of private equity and listed equity across a 5-year, 10 year and 20-year period, private equity comes out on top. The annualized performance averages between 9,8% and 13,1% between MSCI World Index and the Global PE index.


The optimal portfolio construction between listed equity, fixed income securities and private equity/venture capital measured in relation to risk/return (standard deviation 10%) would be 30% fixed income, 60% listed equity and 10% private equity/venture capital. History indicates many reasons why investors should include private equity/venture capital into their portfolio and yet only a minority does so. 

In order to purchase private equity/venture capital, you must be categorized as an accredited investor fulfilling demands setup by the FSA in any investors home country. There is a significant risk when investing in private equity such as limited liquidity and longer tie-up periods. 

MEGATREND INVEST is a Copenhagen based well consolidated provider of capital between investors looking for alternative investments and start-ups and growth companies seeking capital. Our investment companies must conduct a responsible and sustainable business based on 9 leading megatrends in the world. This benefits the company and the society and contributes to an investment in the future focused on sustainable products and solutions.

Søren Rytoft, Senior Investment Advisor


Healthcare 2.0 – An Infographic

Healthcare 2.0

The future of healthcare covers several megatrends. We focus on the individual through a gathering of big data and incorporation of this through AI into personalized IoT products that will facilitate better preventive care measures. We focus on our health more than ever before and we measure and weigh our progress and results. We want healthy food and are selective, critical and interested in alternative food and spend time on preparation and sharing the results of our efforts. We also want personalized medication and treatment. The healthcare megatrend is seen everywhere and is widespread among the increasing group of seniors who want to have an active and meaningful life.

Urbanization – A Global Megatrend

Alternative investments

Today, the world population grows 1.05% per year – that’s more than 80 million new people! In the near future, most of them are going to live in urban areas. That affects how our economies and businesses work, but also the way we live. We will have to be creative to sustain the increased pressure on cities. 3D mobility – underground transport and parking and high-rise building – will be increasingly important.

Urbanization is one of the most dominating megatrends in the world today. Half of the world population already lives in urban areas and in 2050 the percentage is expected to be 75%. We see this trend develop everywhere but mostly in Asia, Africa and Latin America. This change towards urban population will change the way we live in many ways. We already see it in the way we build (high-rise buildings) and the usage of technology in smart cities to connect and optimize infrastructure.

Artificial Intelligence

Alternative investments

Artificial Intelligence is one of the 9 megatrends we have decided to focus on in MEGATREND INVEST. It will no doubt change the future of business and it already has a remarkable impact on our daily lives. This picture is just an example of 6 important facts in this increasingly important area. Technology is getting more and more advanced and artificial intelligence enables us to carry out many tasks today without human interference. We communicate with chatbots and autonomous vehicles are not far away. Even complex problems and maybe even empathy is no longer preventing the use of technology as a replacement for human beings.

Water scarcity

Water Scarcity

We may take access to clean water for granted in our part of the world, but water scarcity is a huge
issue in the global community today. Half of the global population is experiencing severe water
scarcity at least one month a year and the problem isn’t getting smaller. Every 2 minutes a child dies
from a water related disease. In MEGATREND INVEST, health is one of our selected megatrends and
health and clean water goes hand in hand. This is the reason why we invested in SolarSack and their
innovative solution to help getting safe drinking water at an affordable price for everyone.

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