& responsible investments

MEGATREND INVEST is investing in startup and growth companies with a responsible and sustainable business and a focus on future megatrends in the world. This is a benefit for investors and for the society because it contributes to creating new jobs, income from taxation, etc. These trends represent a long-term potential and good investment alternatives.


When selecting investment companies, it´s important that investments are financially attractive
offering a maximum return and with sustainability integrated in the business model. This will also
contribute to a long-term societal value of the investment. Besides being compliant with EU and
national legislation, we insist that each company focus on and preferably work actively with the

  • Adhere to the UN Global Compact 10 principles
  • Transparency and focus on supplier chain responsibility
  • Decent employee working conditions and internal work environment in the company
  • That all products or services have a social or environmental dimension.

We have preference for investing in companies with a strong sustainability profile whether in the product, customer segment or other. We want to invest in a responsible way and we do not want
to invest in:

  • Weapon
  • Nuclear power
  • Tobacco

Impact investments

MEGATREND INVEST strives to include impact investments. We define impact investments as
investments that have the key purpose of making a significant difference for particularly
vulnerable groups.

UN Global Compact

We support and respect the protection of international human rights and we adhere to the UNGP (United Nation Guiding Principles) – the UN guidelines for human rights and business. We want not only investors and investment companies, but also MEGATREND INVEST to conduct business in strict accordance with the UN Global Compact guidelines.

Principles for
Responsible Investment (PRI)

We select investment companies based on Environment, Social and Governance (ESG = Environment, Social and Governance). Each of them will need to complete a declaration form  including a detailed questionnaire about ESG. As an investor company we have furthermore decided to follow Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) – United Nation´s 6 general guidelines for responsible investments.

We have decided to specify and describe what we do in the following.

What we do:

We only invest in companies aiming specifically at creating both financial and sustainable growth.

All our investment companies need to fill in a management declaration and a detailed questionnaire regarding ESG.

We ensure transparency throughout the whole investment process and during the running period we provide regular social, environmental and financial information and status.

We communicate openly and actively with the investors throughout all phases of the investment.

We want to communicate clearly and make PRI an integrated part of all investments.

Regular reports will be made during the whole investment period.

Contact us here

If you want MEGATREND INVEST to contact you, please submit this form

UN sustainability goals
and our action plans

MEGATREND INVEST is actively working with the UN sustainability goals and in MEGATREND INVEST we focus on goal 8, 9 and 10. Goal 8 and 9 concern all our investments and in addition we specifically use goal 10 in connection with Impact investments.
We want to support small startups financially to realize their innovative business ideas.

Number of investments in startups.
We want to help bring sustainable products within trends to the market.

Number of investments in new products/services.
We want to contribute to better living and reduced inequalities for disadvantaged groups through financing of innovative products/solutions for disadvantaged people.

Number of people expected to get improved financial possibilities due to the investments.

Our partners.

Strong partners make great companies.